Monthly Conversation Series // Winter—Spring 2016
Please RSVP if you would like to join any of the events to info@fffffff.org.
The Monthly Conversation Series are a series of gatherings organized around themes related to and expanding on feminism. The series of talks sets its immediate goals on bringing together participants into a network of feminist theory and artistic observation.
Thursday, 21.01.2016, 7pm
At Open Studio Wiesenstrasse 29, Wedding
Feminism matters
Organized by Zofia Nierodzinska
From the bodies that matter to the matter that matters – entanglements of feminism, psychoanalysis and painting in works of Bracha L.Ettinger.
Sunday, 21.02.2016, 7pm
Location will be announced to those who sign up
Information and Ownership
Organized by Aubrey Heichemer
Presentation and discussion on information ownership in different mediums. Dumplings will be provided but feel free to bring some libations or a dish.
MARCH Circle
Thursday, 17.03.2016, 7pm
Location will be announced to those who sign up
On seeing and being seen
Organized by Karolina Majewska
A discussion on the position of a feminist visual artist in the (supposedly) ‘occulocentric’ culture we live in. Is the fact that ‘visuality’ prevails really a side effect of patriarchy? Some theoretical fiddling, unsophisticated questions and personal confessions.
APRIL Circle
Saturday, 16.04.2016 – 17.04.2016, 10pm – 10am
At Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
ƒƒ 2e Night Circle
ƒƒ night circle is a collaborative, self-organisational format and depends on contributions from all participants. We will be spending an entire night together celebrating, discussing, visualising and sharing – please let us know soon if you would like to particpate in this.