One important agenda of Caroline Christov-Bakargiev’s documenta 13 (mentioned in the first lines in the accompanying guidebook) is described as ‘ecofeminism’. In her book Le Feminisme ou la Mort (1974), Françoise d’Eaubonne uses this term first and called upon people…

LISA RUYTER STUDIO BRUCKNERSTRASSE 4, VIENNA. Entrance is directly on street, starts 22h. Bring costumes – and come during the week to join us in making one if you like. Phone +43 676 945 1668 for info.

Photo: Leonora Carrington set and costume design (with Alejandro Jodorowsky, whom she mentored) // 16.00 – 19.00 Launch of Feminist Archive featuring BUST, NOWISWERE and PETUNIA // FRIDAY 21 September, 16.00 – 19.00 h Veronika Hauer (Nowiswere), Lili Reynaud-Dewar (Petunia)…