A Situated Assembly
A Situated Assembly
Thursday September 1st and Sunday September 4th
For the finnissage of Mathilde ter Heijne’s exhibition at Körnerpark, Berlin Blood Sweat and Tears, we will assemble from September 1st to 4th gathering different theoreticians and practitioners to discuss the topic of conflict resolution using Bracha Ettinger’s matrixial gaze as a point of departure.
Three speakers will speak Thursday September 1st: Ewa Majewska on weak resistance, Olga Lewicka on the politics of bearing, and Katia Krupennikova on confusion and sensitivity of Post-Peace era.
Using Bracha Ettinger’s matrixial theory as a jumping off point, the assembly works with the matter of conflict resolution in times where precarity is so ubiquitous that effective response-ability is often negated. Re-approaching the subject of peaceful conflict resolution from a historically materialist feminist perspective, the exhibition at Körnerpark re-opens the dialogue on peace as a collaborative process of inter and co-subjectivity where historical assemblies flow into the voices of the future.
In addition to the lecture assembly, a performance series will take place on September 4th. This series will start with two acts performed by SINGA, a collaborative, volunteer performance group. SINGA will be creating a workshop series on the Theatre of the Oppressed to be publicly performed on the 4th and the assembly series. Michaela Wünsch will then discuss FeMale HipHop, approaching this topic from an outsider queer perspective, divulging psychoanalytical tactics on how these speech acts can be dissected. Nina Prader will deliver a spoken word text using elements of gospel and anthem genres. The day will be a celebration of a material Event-Encounter.
Mediated and organized by Zofia nierodzinska and Vanessa Gravenor