ƒƒ June 30th, 2016 // Conversation Circle // Lamentations: On Matrixial Border Spaces
ƒƒ discusses lamentations and response-ability in the face of atrocity. Griselda Pollock’s Virtual Feminist Museum will be a subject of discussion as well as Bracha Ettinger’s Matrixial Border Space. Can images resonate traces of past events that they themselves defy speech thought and structural word patters? How can the breakdown of language manifest itself into a feminine space or border space where community can be facilitated and actualized?
June 30th, 2016
KN, Skalitzer Str. 68
10997 Berlin
This is a closed conversation circle, please RSVP to vanessa.k.gravenor@gmail.com
Zofia Nierodzinska, Indrani Ashe, Janne Nowak, Katie Armstrong, Carleen Coulter, Ben Mauk, Zoe Crook.